Complimentary Visual Vehicle Inspection
With every service!
10% off up to $250.00
Receive 10% off your next visit by redeeming this special! Up to $250.00 off Cannot be combined with ... [More] any other offer. Must present offer in advance. ... [Less]
$69.95 Air Conditioning Inspection
$69.95 Special Air Conditioning Inspection Come in and get your A/C checked! We will check the A/C System ... [More] Pressures, test operation of compressor, blower fan, condenser cooling fan, and leak test system. We are equipped to handle the newer R1234YF systems. One special per visit. Not valid with other offer or special. Coupon must be presented in advance. Refrigerant extra. Some limitations may apply ... [Less]


Although contemporary vehicles widely have a fuel injection system installed, there still are many vehicles relying on carburetors for their fuel supply. Carburetor problems tend to be pretty frustrating, but we are here to help! You may have a carburetor problem if your engine won't start, won't idle, isn't accelerating properly, or starves for fuel at high speeds. Whenever this situation occurs, feel free to contact us or stop by for a quality carburetor service! Our professional and experienced technicians can help with anything carburetor related.